"Kaufempfehlung an die OSR-Fans!"
Nerds gegen Stephan
"... struck with rapture and delight at its dark and solemn beauty"
Prince of Nothing
"... it's reckless and the shit's gonna hit the fan"
RPG Overview
"... the best in a long time, that any fan of Lotfp should pick up"
Prince of Nothing
"One of the best things for Lamentations published in many years now"
Bryce Lynch
"It's deadly, it's a tough adventure with a great story in the background"
RPG Overview
"This is a GREAT dungeoncrawl!"
Bryce Lynch
"Ganz schön düster, aber auch ganz schön gut."
Nerds gegen Stephan
"Für Fans von Dark-Fantasy, die eine düstere und dreckige Zeit in der deutschen Geschichte erleben wollen."
Was Rezensenten über unser neuestes Abenteuer Wintertod schreiben:
"Kaufempfehlung an die OSR-Fans!"
Nerds gegen Stephan
"... struck with rapture and delight at its dark and solemn beauty"
Prince of Nothing
"... it's reckless and the shit's gonna hit the fan"
RPG Overview