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Hyena Child - The new City Campaign by Gazer Press


  • Immerse yourself in a special kind of Orient campaign: dirty, merciless, unspent.

  • Explore the Egyptian port of Alexandria, where ancient secrets lurk behind salt-eaten facades.

  • Abseil down dilapidated tunnels where the past lives and ancient horrors lurk.

  • Take part in deadly intrigues and challenge the rich and powerful.

  • Become incredibly rich, end up on the gallows or trigger a storm surge that destroys Alexandria.


  • Five-adventure anthology book

  • A5, 200 page Hardcover

  • City map with 28 described locations, an abundance of NPCs and eight levels deep catacombs.

  • Explore the Egyptian port city of Alexandria, inspired by history, horror and Mumia

!!! Pre-order soon to come !!!



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