Baphomets Sohn, Bundle

Baphomets Sohn, Bundle

SKU: 009

Bundle Hardcover + PDF

On behalf of a secret society, the players search for an ancient relic that is said to be hidden under a dilapidated Templar courtyard in the German town of Nordhausen. In the musty tunnels they come across the remains of the Baphomet cult, which was brought in from the Holy Land centuries ago. But the demon once worshipped by the Templars is not what it seems. Behind the idol lie otherworldly dangers, and what once escaped the flames of the inquisition awaits the return of its savior deep beneath the earth.

The adventure involves 2-4 players in an infectious treasure hunt at the time of the Thirty Year's War. Compatible with Swords & Wizardry and other OSR rulebooks. 

Note: On our website you can only buy the German version of the bundle. Get the English LotFP-compatible version on DTRPG!




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